Harvesting and Using Your Garden Lavender: 3 Ideas
By: Cassie Coleman
Planting lavender in your garden is an absolute must! Aside from being a beautiful purple flower, planting lavender in your garden lures bees and other pollinators to help ensure your garden thrives. But it doesn’t stop there. The relaxing and soothing aromatic properties of lavender give you endless use options after harvesting!
To Harvest and Dry Lavender:
- Harvest your lavender before the florets have fully opened.
- Make sure to harvest on a dry day after the morning dew has burned off.
- Cut the stalks about 2” where the green stem meets the woody part of the stem. (cutting too low can injure the plant)
- Bundle your lavender and hang it upside down indoors, in a shaded area. (direct sunlight with fade the color and aromatic properties)
It should take about a week for the bundle to fully dry. You will know it is dry when the stems are stiff and crunchy and the florets bush off easily. With your hands, rub the florets off of the stems into a bowl. Store the florets in an air tight jar for future use!
A Couple of My Favorite Uses Are:
Lavender Dryer bags:
Just fill a small, breathable bag with dried lavender and secure tightly. Pop it in your dryer to fill your laundry with a fresh and beautiful scent!
Lavender Cookies:
A small pinch of lavender to your favorite shortbread or sugar cookie recipe with bring a simple and unique dessert to any party!
Lavender Wreath Place Cards:
Add a romantic, rustic touch to any table setting by adding these lavender wreath place cards to your table setting. They are super cute – and also SUPER EASY!