Homemade Body Scrub

By: Cassi Coleman and Isabella Cirelli

Make your own body scrub with only three simple ingredients. All you need is coffee grounds, brown sugar, and almond oil. This DIY scrub helps you achieve smooth and moisturized skin in no time. The coffee acts as an anti-inflammatory, while the brown sugar exfoliates, and the almond oil nourishes your skin. This super quick homemade scrub will leave your skin silky smooth!

You Will Need:

  • Coffee Grounds
  • Brown Sugar
  • 100% Pure Almond Oil

How To:

Step 1: Measure out the ingredients:

  • 1 cup of coffee
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil

Step 2: In a large bowl add all the ingredients together.

Step 3: Mix the coffee, brown sugar, and almond oil together until you reach your desired consistency.

Step 4: Spoon the scrub into a jar for storage.

To use the scrub simply wet skin and massage the scrub into your skin. Then rinse off and pat dry. Enjoy your super soft skin!


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