Herbed Goat Cheese & Salmon Lox Toast

Recipe by Chef Spencer Ivankoe

The Herbed Goat Cheese


500 grams of goat cheese (1 log)
1/4 cup fresh parsley
3 tbsp fresh dill
Juice of 1/2 of a lemon


Combine all ingredients in food processor and blend until it becomes creamy and green.

The Pickled Red Onions


3 cups red onions (very thinly sliced)

3 cups white wine vinegar

3 garlic cloves (smashed)

6 tbsp white sugar

6 black peppercorns

pinch of salt

6 black peppercorns


Thinly slice red onions on mandolin.

In a pot, add the garlic cloves, peppercorns, white wine vinegar, sugar, salt.

Bring mixture to a boil.

Put red onions in a Tupperware container.

Strain out the garlic cloves and peppercorns.

Pour liquid over the red onions.

Let cool in the fridge.

Garnishes / Assembly


1 Package of Salmon Lox

1 Cucumber (sliced thin)

Handful of fresh picked dill

Container of pickled red onions

Container of herbed goat cheese

4 slices of thick rustic bread

Olive Oil


Toast the bread well.

Smear some herbed goat cheese on the bread.

Garnish with cucumber slices.

Layer the smoked salmon nicely on top of cucumbers.

Garnish with pickled red onions, dill, and olive oil.

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